News & Articles By Edsel Cook
By Edsel Cook
Eat more cress for a healthier liver
You can vastly improve the health of your liver by increasing the amount of garden cress in your diet. Saudi researchers who studied the tangy-tasting edible herb reported that its seeds contain hepatoprotective agents that can manage the potentially deadly effects of hepatitis. Hepatitis can lead to fulminant hepatic failure (FHF), a condition where a huge […]
By Edsel Cook
Reishi mushroom powder is an effective treatment for mouth ulcers
The medicinal mushroom known as “Reishi ” in Japan was the subject of a recent Chinese study on alternative treatments for recurrent oral ulceration (ROU). The results showed that freeze-dried reishi mushroom powder provided effective treatment for the most prevalent mouth ulcer disease in the world. ROU is considered an autoimmune disease. It is a […]
By Edsel Cook
Fermented turmeric prevents memory loss caused by oxidative stress and inflammation
Turmeric is a pretty powerful superfood on its own. As a fermented food product, it gains the power of probiotics as well. A Korean study showed that fermented turmeric can prevent memory loss that stems from oxidative stress and inflammation of key brain cells. Alzheimer’s disease is just one of the many neurodegenerative diseases that […]
By Edsel Cook
Boysenberries found to improve cholesterol, help prevent heart disease
Eating delicious boysenberries can improve cholesterol and prevent heart disease, reported a Japanese study. During an earlier study, Japanese researchers from Toyo University found out that boysenberries packed more polyphenols than raspberries. Polyphenols are micronutrients that prevent degenerative diseases like heart disease, the second biggest cause of death in Japan. Boysenberries are also a potential source of antioxidants, which reduce the risk […]
By Edsel Cook
Hailed by traditional Chinese healers as an “immortal health elixir,” kombucha is one of the best beverages for health
For 2,000 years, kombucha has been imbibed as a healthy beverage in the East. Traditional Chinese medicine called the fermented sweetened tea the “immortal health elixir” for its many benefits. A Spanish study determined that the various bio-active compounds in this fascinating superfood work together to support human health. Bio-active compounds are not strictly nutrients since […]
By Edsel Cook
Keep your heart healthy by eating more arugula, spinach, and beets
Vegetables like arugula, beets, and spinach are packed with nitrates, and consuming these leafy greens can help bring down blood pressure and boost the efficiency of the endothelial cells that line the inside of the heart and blood vessels. In an article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, an Australian study shows that nitrate-rich vegetables […]
By Edsel Cook
You know probiotics are essential to gut health, but did you know they DETOXIFY your system too?
Probiotics do a lot of good things for your body. Among other things, they help you shed weight and fat, boost your immune system, and improve your digestion. And now, according to an article on, it turns out that probiotic bacteria can also cleanse toxic chemicals from your body. There are numerous toxins that resist […]
By Edsel Cook
How to grow, dry and grind your own turmeric powder from fresh roots
Like any other superfood, turmeric powder is most effective when it’s freshly-grown and prepared by hand at home. A Rockin W Homestead article advised how to grow, dry, and grind your own powder for any curries, protein shakes, or tea you plan to make. Turmeric is very easy to grow indoors. All you need is […]
By Edsel Cook
Combining B-vitamins and omega-3s found to reduce risk of dementia, Alzheimer’s
A recent study by the University of Oxford discovered that a combination of B-vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids could lower the risk of dementia by reducing the rate at which the disease develops. Part of the Oxford Project to Investigate Memory and Ageing (OPTIMA), the study found that the interaction between the two nutrients is key […]
By Edsel Cook
Probiotics found to offset the detrimental effects of stress on the immune system
Given stress is bad for health while probiotics are good for the gut, Argentinean researchers decide to determine whether or not the latter can offset the former. Their experiment on stressed mice revealed that probiotic supplements could boost the immune system of the gut against infection. Stress conditions disrupt the natural balance of the body. These physiological changes […]
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